James Lee

Jake Morales

Full Stack Developer


About Me

I am currently seeking full-time positions Web Development. My career goal is to build web applications that have a positive impact on others. I am a fast learner, and I am constantly teaching myself new tools and technologies.

Work Experience

Full Stack Developer Rückbau (Nov 2019 - Present)

  • Developed “TryOurWine” as a tool for consumers to conveniently find wines sold by our clients
  • Proposed a pivot table library to improve development of tabular data and enhance user experience
  • Pitched and built a Progressive Web App to demonstrate its advantages over React Native

Manager Rolling Robots (Sept 2018 - Present)

  • Demonstrates leadership skills by scheduling 4 employees, organizing facilities, and coordinating curriculum


project name


TryOurWine is a web app for finding wine vendors in your area. I built it for my current team at Ruckbau.

  • Used Materialize CSS framework for out-of-the-box responsive design and styling to increase development velocity
  • Increased performance of filtering markers on a Google Map to constant time by using an index data structure
  • Improved security by integrating reCaptcha service to prevent web scraping of proprietary data
  • Served frontend and backend from the same server to simplify deployments and avoid CORS security issues

See live demo

project name


ShareQ is a web app that enables users to collaborate on Spotify playlists with friends and vote for which song to plays next in the queue.

  • Built the frontend with React.js to abstract the complexity of developing a UI that frequently updates
  • Used the socket.io library for resilient real-time updates by reconnecting websockets during network errors
  • Decreased critical load times by storing frequently updated data in memory with Redis instead of disk storage

GitHub - React Frontend

GitHub - Django Backend

project name


PostBoard is an app that empowers everyday people by

  • Uses TypeScript to improve developer experience by structuring data and catching errors before runtime
  • Implemented GraphQL as an abstraction layer on top of the backend to simplify client-side requests for data

GitHub - React Frontend

GitHub - Express/Node Backend

project name

Docker Containers for Airline App

I containerized an Airline Database app using Docker and docker-compose. One container encapsulates the PostgreSQL database, and another holds the Java CLI for interfacing with the database.

GitHub Code

My GitHub